45 best health tips ever

We've done the legwork for you and here they are: the 45 best health tips. Give yourself a boost.

We've done the legwork for you and here they are: the 45 best health tips. Make that 46 - taking the time to read this tops the list.

1. Copy your kitty: Learn to do stretching exercises when you wake up. It boosts circulation and digestion, and eases back pain.

2. Don’t skip breakfast. Studies show that eating a proper breakfast is one of the most positive things you can do if you are trying to lose weight. Breakfast skippers tend to gain weight. A balanced breakfast includes fresh fruit or fruit juice, a high-fibre breakfast cereal, low-fat milk or yoghurt, wholewheat toast, and a boiled egg.

3. Brush up on hygiene. Many people don't know how to brush their teeth properly. Improper brushing can cause as much damage to the teeth and gums as not brushing at all. Lots of people don’t brush for long enough, don’t floss and don’t see a dentist regularly. Hold your toothbrush in the same way that would hold a pencil, and brush for at least two minutes.

This includes brushing the teeth, the junction of the teeth and gums, the tongue and the roof of the mouth. And you don't need a fancy, angled toothbrush – just a sturdy, soft-bristled one that you replace each month.

4. Neurobics for your mind. Get your brain fizzing with energy. American researchers coined the term ‘neurobics’ for tasks which activate the brain's own biochemical pathways and to bring new pathways online that can help to strengthen or preserve brain circuits.

Brush your teeth with your ‘other’ hand, take a new route to work or choose your clothes based on sense of touch rather than sight. People with mental agility tend to have lower rates of Alzheimer's disease and age-related mental decline.

5. Get what you give! Always giving and never taking? This is the short road to compassion fatigue. Give to yourself and receive from others, otherwise you’ll get to a point where you have nothing left to give. And hey, if you can’t receive from others, how can you expect them to receive from you?

Read: Mind aerobics

6. Get spiritual. A study conducted by the formidably sober and scientific Harvard University found that patients who were prayed for recovered quicker than those who weren’t, even if they weren’t aware of the prayer.

7. Get smelly. Garlic, onions, spring onions and leeks all contain stuff that’s good for you. A study at the Child’s Health Institute in Cape Town found that eating raw garlic helped fight serious childhood infections. Heat destroys these properties, so eat yours raw, wash it down with fruit juice or, if you’re a sissy, have it in tablet form.

8. Knock one back. A glass of red wine a day is good for you. A number of studies have found this, but a recent one found that the polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) in green tea, red wine and olives may also help protect you against breast cancer. It’s thought that the antioxidants help protect you from environmental carcinogens such as passive tobacco smoke.

9. Bone up daily. Get your daily calcium by popping a tab, chugging milk or eating yoghurt. It’ll keep your bones strong. Remember that your bone density declines after the age of 30. You need at least 200 milligrams daily, which you should combine with magnesium, or it simply won’t be absorbed.

10. Berries for your belly. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries contain plant nutrients known as anthocyanidins, which are powerful antioxidants. Blueberries rival grapes in concentrations of resveratrol – the antioxidant compound found in red wine that has assumed near mythological proportions. Resveratrol is believed to help protect against heart disease and cancer.

11. Curry favour. Hot, spicy foods containing chillies or cayenne pepper trigger endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Endorphins have a powerful, almost narcotic, effect and make you feel good after exercising. But go easy on the lamb, pork and mutton and the high-fat, creamy dishes served in many Indian restaurants.

12. Cut out herbs before ops. Some herbal supplements – from the popular St John's Wort and ginkgo biloba to garlic, ginger, ginseng and feverfew – can cause increased bleeding during surgery, warn surgeons. It may be wise to stop taking all medication, including herbal supplements, at least two weeks before surgery, and inform your surgeon about your herbal use.

13. I say tomato. Tomato is a superstar in the fruit and veggie pantheon. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful cancer fighter. They’re also rich in vitamin C. The good news is that cooked tomatoes are also nutritious, so use them in pasta, soups and casseroles, as well as in salads.

The British Thoracic Society says that tomatoes and apples can reduce your risk of asthma and chronic lung diseases. Both contain the antioxidant quercetin. To enjoy the benefits, eat five apples a week or a tomato every other day.

14. Eat your stress away. Prevent low blood sugar as it stresses you out. Eat regular and small healthy meals and keep fruit and veggies handy. Herbal teas will also soothe your frazzled nerves.

Eating unrefined carbohydrates, nuts and bananas boosts the formation of serotonin, another feel-good drug. Small amounts of protein containing the amino acid tryptamine can give you a boost when stress tires you out.

15. Load up on vitamin C.We need at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day and the best way to get this is by eating at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. So hit the oranges and guavas!

16. No folly in folic acid. Folic acid should be taken regularly by all pregnant mums and people with a low immunity to disease. Folic acid prevents spina bifida in unborn babies and can play a role in cancer prevention. It is found in green leafy vegetables, liver, fruit and bran.

17. A for Away. This vitamin, and beta carotene, help to boost immunity against disease. It also assists in the healing process of diseases such as measles and is recommended by the WHO. Good natural sources of vitamin A are kidneys, liver, dairy products, green and yellow vegetables, pawpaw, mangoes, chilli pepper, red sorrel and red palm oil.

18. Pure water. Don’t have soft drinks or energy drinks while you're exercising. Stay properly hydrated by drinking enough water during your workout (just don't overdo things, as drinking too much water can also be dangerous).

While you might need energy drinks for long-distance running, in shorter exercise sessions in the gym, your body will burn the glucose from the soft drink first, before starting to burn body fat. Same goes for eating sweets.

19. GI, Jane. Carbohydrates with a high glycaemic index, such as bread, sugar, honey and grain-based food will give instant energy and accelerate your metabolism. If you’re trying to burn fat, stick to beans, rice, pasta, lentils, peas, soya beans and oat bran, all of which have a low GI count.

20. Mindful living. You've probably heard the old adage that life's too short to stuff a mushroom. But perhaps you should consider the opposite: that life's simply too short NOT to focus on the simple tasks. By slowing down and concentrating on basic things, you'll clear your mind of everything that worries you.

Really concentrate on sensations and experiences again: observe the rough texture of a strawberry's skin as you touch it, and taste the sweet-sour juice as you bite into the fruit; when your partner strokes your hand, pay careful attention to the sensation on your skin; and learn to really focus on simple tasks while doing them, whether it's flowering plants or ironing your clothes.

21. The secret of stretching. When you stretch, ease your body into position until you feel the stretch and hold it for about 25 seconds. Breathe deeply to help your body move oxygen-rich blood to those sore muscles. Don't bounce or force yourself into an uncomfortable position.

22. Do your weights workout first. Experts say weight training should be done first, because it's a higher intensity exercise compared to cardio. Your body is better able to handle weight training early in the workout because you're fresh and you have the energy you need to work it.

Conversely, cardiovascular exercise should be the last thing you do at the gym, because it helps your body recover by increasing blood flow to the muscles, and flushing out lactic acid, which builds up in the muscles while you're weight training. It’s the lactic acid that makes your muscles feel stiff and sore.

23. Burn fat during intervals. To improve your fitness quickly and lose weight, harness the joys of interval training. Set the treadmill or step machine on the interval programme, where your speed and workload varies from minute to minute. Build up gradually, every minute and return to the starting speed. Repeat this routine. Not only will it be less monotonous, but you can train for a shorter time and achieve greater results.

24. Your dirtiest foot forward. If your ankles, knees, and hips ache from running on pavement, head for the dirt. Soft trails or graded roads are a lot easier on your joints than the hard stuff. Also, dirt surfaces tend to be uneven, forcing you to slow down a bit and focus on where to put your feet – great for agility and concentration.

25. Burn the boredom, blast the lard. Rev up your metabolism by alternating your speed and intensity during aerobic workouts. Not only should you alternate your routine to prevent burnout or boredom, but to give your body a jolt.

If you normally walk at 6.5km/h on the treadmill or take 15 minutes to walk a km, up the pace by going at 8km/h for a minute or so during your workout. Do this every five minutes or so. Each time you work out, increase your bouts of speed in small increments.

26. Cool off without a beer. Don’t eat carbohydrates for at least an hour after exercise. This will force your body to break down body fat, rather than using the food you ingest. Stick to fruit and fluids during that hour, but avoid beer.

27. ‘Okay, now do 100 of those’. Instead of flailing away at gym, enlist the help – even temporarily – of a personal trainer. Make sure you learn to breathe properly and to do the exercises the right way. You’ll get more of a workout while spending less time at the gym.

28. Stop fuming. Don’t smoke and if you smoke already, do everything in your power to quit. Don’t buy into that my-granny-smoked-and-lived-to-be-90 crud – not even the tobacco giants believe it. Apart from the well-known risks of heart disease and cancer, orthopaedic surgeons have found that smoking accelerates bone density loss and constricts blood flow. So you could live to be a 90-year-old amputee who smells of stale tobacco smoke. Unsexy.

29. Ask about Mad Aunt Edith. Find out your family history. You need to know if there are any inherited diseases prowling your gene pool. According to the Mayo Clinic, USA, finding out what your grandparents died of can provide useful – even lifesaving – information about what’s in store for you. And be candid, not coy: 25% of the children of alcoholics become alcoholics themselves.

30. Do self-checks. Do regular self-examinations of your breasts. Most partners are more than happy to help, not just because breast cancer is the most common cancer among SA women. The best time to examine your breasts is in the week after your period.

31. My smear campaign. Have a pap smear once a year. Not on our list of favourite things, but it’s vital. Cervical cancer kills 200 000 women a year and it’s the most prevalent form of cancer among black women, affecting more than 30 percent.

But the chances of survival are nearly 100 percent if it’s detected early. Be particularly careful if you became sexually active at an early age, have had multiple sex partners or smoke.

32. Understand hormones. Recent research suggests that short-term (less than five years) use of HRT is not associated with an increase in the risk of breast cancer, but that using it for more than ten years might be. Breast cancer is detected earlier in women using HRT, as they are more alert to the disease than other women.

32. Beat the sneezes. There are more than 240 allergens, some rare and others very common. If you’re a sneezer due to pollen: close your car’s windows while driving, rather switch on the internal fan (drawing in air from the outside), and avoid being outdoors between 5am and 10 am when pollen counts are at their highest; stick to holidays in areas with low pollen counts, such as the seaside and stay away from freshly cut grass.

33. Doggone. If you’re allergic to your cat, dog, budgie or pet piglet, stop suffering the ravages of animal dander: Install an air filter in your home.

Keep your pet outside as much as possible and brush him outside of the home to remove loose hair and other allergens. Better yet, ask someone else to do so.

34. Asthma-friendly sports. Swimming is the most asthma-friendly sport of all, but cycling, canoeing, fishing, sailing and walking are also good, according to the experts.

Asthma need not hinder peak performance in sport. 1% of the US Olympic team were asthmatics – and between them they won 41 medals.

35. Deep heat. Sun rays can burn even through thick glass, and under water. Up to 35% of UVB rays and 85% of UVA rays penetrate thick glass, while 50% of UVB rays and 75% of UVA rays penetrate a meter of water and wet cotton clothing.

Which means you’ll need sunscreen while driving your car on holiday, and water resistant block if you’re swimming.

36. Fragrant ageing. Stay away from perfumed or flavoured suntan lotions which smell of coconut oil or orange if you want your skin to stay young. These lotions contain psoralen, which speeds up the ageing process. Rather use a fake-tan lotion. Avoid sun beds, which are as bad as the sun itself.

37. Sunscreen can be a smokescreen. Sunscreen is unlikely to stop you from being sunburned, or to reduce your risk of developing skin cancer. That’s because most people don’t apply it properly, and stay in the sun too long.

The solution? Slather on sunscreen daily and reapply it often, especially if you’ve been in the water. How much? At least enough to fill a shot glass.

38. Laugh and cry. Having a good sob is reputed to be good for you. So is laughter, which has been shown to help heal bodies, as well as broken hearts. Studies in Japan indicate that laughter boosts the immune system and helps the body shake off allergic reactions.

39. It ain’t over till it’s over. End relationships that no longer work for you, as you could be spending time in a dead end. Rather head for more meaningful things. You could be missing opportunities while you’re stuck in a meaningless rut, trying to breathe life into something that is long gone.

40. Strong people go for help. Ask for assistance. Gnashing your teeth in the dark will not get you extra brownie points. It is a sign of strength to ask for assistance and people will respect you for it. If there is a relationship problem, the one who refuses to go for help is usually the one with whom the problem lies to begin with.

41. Save steamy scenes for the bedroom. Showering or bathing in water that’s too hot will dry out your skin and cause it to age prematurely. Warm water is much better.

Apply moisturiser while your skin is still damp – it’ll be absorbed more easily. Adding a little olive oil to your bath with help keep your skin moisturised too.

42. Here’s the rub. Improve your circulation and help your lymph glands to drain by the way you towel off. Helping your lymph glands function can help prevent them becoming infected.

When drying off your limbs and torso, brush towards the groin on your legs and towards the armpits on your upper body. You can do the same during gentle massage with your partner.

43. Sugar-coated. More than three million South Africans suffer from type 2 diabetes, and the incidence is increasing – with new patients getting younger. New studies show this type of diabetes is often part of a metabolic syndrome (X Syndrome), which includes high blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease.

More than 80% of type 2 diabetics die of heart disease, so make sure you control your glucose levels, and watch your blood pressure and cholesterol counts.

44. Relax, it’s only sex. Stress and sex make bad bedfellows, it seems. A US survey showed that stress, kids and work are main factors to dampen libido. With the advent of technology that allows us to work from home, the lines between our jobs and our personal lives have become blurred.

People work longer hours, commutes are longer and work pervades all aspects of our lives, including our sexual relationships. Put nooky and intimacy on the agenda, just like everything else.

45. Good night, sweetheart. Rest heals the body and has been shown to lessen the risk of heart trouble and psychological problems.

Health advice: Eat less red meat to reduce cancer risk

People should cut back on red and processed meat to reduce their risk of getting cancer, the government says.

New advice recommends eating no more than 70g a day - equivalent to three rashers of bacon or two sausages.
Experts say thousands of bowel cancer deaths could be prevented every year if people kept to the new limits.

Advisers to the Department of Health in England say the restrictions would not put people at risk of iron deficiencies.
Bowel Cancer is the third most common cancer in the UK - about 36,000 people are diagnosed every year, and 16,500 die.

Eating 100 to 120g of red and processed meat a day - things like salami, ham and sausages - increases the risk of developing the condition by 20 to 30%, according to studies.

But some commentators have questioned whether reducing red meat consumption would put people at greater risk of iron deficiency; red meat is a very good source of iron.
Iron deficiency causes anaemia, which leads to tiredness and dizzy spells, can affect brain development and result in behavioural problems.

'Occasional steak'

But a report from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition says if adults cut back to 70g of red meat a day, there would not be much impact on the number of people with low iron intake.

"Red meat can be part of a healthy balanced diet," said the interim Chief Medical Officer for England, Professor Sally Davies, "but people who eat a lot should consider cutting down."
"The occasional steak or extra few slices of lamb is fine, but regularly eating a lot could increase your risk of bowel cancer."
The charity Beating Bowel Cancer welcomed the report.
"A diet high in red and processed meat may increase your risk of developing bowel cancer," said chief executive Mark Flannagan. "But the good news is that red meat can still be enjoyed in moderation."

Some experts, though, say the advice should distinguish between red and processed meat, which is thought to carry a higher bowel cancer risk.

The World Cancer Research Fund advises avoiding processed meat altogether.
"We would suggest that people following this new report's guidelines should try and make sure as little as possible of their 70g per day is processed," said Dr Rachel Thompson, deputy head of science for the fund.

Weightlifting 'reduces men's diabetes risk'

"Pumping weights five times a week can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by a third," The Daily Telegraph has reported.
The news is based on the results of a large US study which found that men who performed weight training reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Previous research has shown that regular moderate or vigorous physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day reduces risk of type 2 diabetes. The authors of the study also reported that other studies have shown that resistance training can improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes. This is the first significant piece of research that has also found a link between weight training and a reduced risk of actually developing diabetes.

This study found that at least 150 minutes of weight training a week reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by just over one third (34%). Performing at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week (such as brisk walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, tennis, squash and rowing) reduced risk to a slightly greater extent (52%). The greatest risk reduction was observed when performing a combination of both weight training and aerobic exercise (59%).

Regular exercise, in addition to other healthy lifestyle behaviours, is the best way to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes. This study supports general health advice, finding that weight training or aerobic exercise reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes in professional men. Weightlifting may be a useful exercise addition, or alternative, for people who have difficulty in performing aerobic exercise, but as with all forms of exercise it is advisable to exercise within your own limits. The key advice is to take regular exercise – weightlifting may not be the best workout for everyone.

Where did the story come from?

The study was carried out by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the University of Southern Denmark and the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. It was funded by the US National Institutes of Health. The study was published in the peer-reviewed journal, Archives of Internal Medicine.
This story was reported in The Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail. The Mail’s headline made it clear that the study had only been performed in men.
The coverage of the report in both papers was accurate

What kind of research was this?

This was an analysis of data collected from a prospective cohort study of professional men in the US: the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS). This particular analysis aimed to determine whether there was a link between weight training and the risk of type 2 diabetes. This is the ideal study design to answer this question. However, cohort studies cannot show that weight training is the cause of any change in risk of type 2 diabetes, as researchers cannot exclude the possibility that other factors (called confounders) are responsible for any link seen.
In particular, as the HPFS was not set up to specifically to answer this study question, it is possible that other relevant factors may not have been considered.

What did the research involve?

This study used the HPFS, an ongoing cohort study, which followed up male health professionals aged between 40 and 75 in 1986. Information on weightlifting and other forms of exercise had been reported from 1990 onwards. Therefore, for the purpose of this particular study, the researchers excluded men who in 1990 had diabetes, cancer, angina or past heart attack, coronary artery bypass graft, other heart conditions, stroke or pulmonary embolism.
This left 32,002 men who, between 1990 and 2008, completed a questionnaire every two years on diseases and personal and lifestyle characteristics, such as height, weight, smoking status, diet and physical activity. Weekly time spent on weight training and aerobic exercise (including jogging, bicycling, swimming, tennis and calisthenics) were obtained.
The development of type 2 diabetes was also assessed on the questionnaires, and men who reported a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes were asked to complete supplementary questionnaires so that the diagnosis could be confirmed. The diagnosis of diabetes was confirmed by medical record review in a subgroup of participants (97% of the participants had their diabetes confirmed). Deaths were also monitored.

The researchers looked to see if there was an association between weight training or aerobic exercise and the development of type 2 diabetes. When looking to see if there was a link, they tried to adjust for other factors that may explain the association, including:

alcohol consumption

coffee intake


family history of diabetes

diet (including total intake of energy, trans-fat, polyunsaturated fat to saturated fat ratio, cereal fibre, whole grain and glycaemic load)

What were the basic results?

The researchers found that there were 2,278 new cases of type 2 diabetes follow-up, and that:
More time spent on weight training or on aerobic exercise was associated with decreased risk of type 2 diabetes (a dose-response relationship).
Performing weight training only for at least 150 minutes a week was associated with a statistically significant 34% reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, compared with doing no weight training (after adjusting for aerobic exercise, other physical activity of at least moderate intensity and television viewing).
Performing aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes a week was associated with a statistically significant 52% lower risk of type 2 diabetes, compared with doing no aerobic exercise (after adjusting for weight training, other physical activity of at least moderate intensity and television viewing).
Men who did both aerobic exercise and weight training for at least 150 minutes a week had a 59% reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes, which was the greatest reduction in risk (when compared with doing no aerobic exercise or physical activity).
How did the researchers interpret the results?

The researchers concluded that weight training was associated with a significantly lower risk of type 2 diabetes, and that this association is independent of aerobic exercise. They concluded that their results support that “weight training serves as an important alternative for individuals who have difficulty adhering to aerobic exercise, but the combination of weight training with aerobic exercise confers an even greater benefit”.

This cohort study found that weight training is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, with increased training associated with reduced risk in male health professionals. This association was independent of aerobic exercise. However, although the study has focused on weightlifting, performing aerobic exercise was actually associated with greater risk reduction than weightlifting. The greatest reduction in risk was seen in men who performed both weight training and aerobic exercise for 150 minutes a week.

This study has both strengths and weaknesses. The strengths include the large number of participants, the long follow-up and the fact that both physical activity and other factors that may explain the association (such as diet and alcohol consumption) were assessed regularly. However, the data was collected by self-reported questionnaires, which may be subject to reporting bias. The researchers also did not collect data on the type or intensity of the weight training.
Only male health professionals aged between 40 and 75 years old at baseline were included, and most of the men were white. This means that the findings may not apply to women, younger men or other ethnic groups.

The latter factor may be particularly important as rates of type 2 diabetes can vary significantly between ethnic groups. For example, the condition is more common in those of South Asian, African-Caribbean or Middle Eastern descent.

Finally, the researchers cannot exclude the possibility that the association seen may be explained by another factor that they have not controlled for. The fact that the Health Professionals Follow-up Study was not set up specifically to study whether weightlifting influences risk of diabetes may further increase the possibility that other relevant factors have not been taken into account.

In conclusion, this study supports general health advice by finding that weight training or aerobic exercise reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes in professional men. Weight training may be a useful exercise addition, or alternative, for people who have difficulties in performing aerobic exercise.
However, further studies are required to confirm the association between weight training and diabetes, to see whether it also applies to women and to examine whether the duration, type and intensity of weight training make any difference.

Two-and-a-half hours of weight training a week is a big commitment and shouldn’t detract from other forms of exercise. It is also important to be aware that, as with all forms of exercise, it is advisable to exercise within your own limits. The key advice is to take regular exercise – weightlifting may not be the best workout for everyone.

Fish pedicure risk 'very low'

“Trendy fish pedicures could spread HIV and hepatitis C,” The Sun has today reported. Its front-page story said that officials have raised an “alert” over the treatment, popular in beauty spas, where tiny fish are used to nibble away areas of hard foot skin.

Although The Sun has been carping on about warnings and alerts, the newspaper seems to have overestimated the scale of the risk, which health experts have described as being “extremely low”. Rather than being an alert, the news is based on a report by the Health Protection Agency that has set out good practice for so-called ‘fish spas’ that offer the service.
While the report did acknowledge that the risk of infections could not be completely ruled out, it is important to view this in context and not be reeled in by fishy headlines.
What exactly is a fish pedicure?

A fish pedicure is a beauty treatment that uses dozens of tiny fish to nibble away dead and hardened skin from the feet. During a session a person immerses their feet in a tank of warm water and lets the minute, toothless Garra rufa fish nibble away for around 15 to 30 minutes. The fish are said only to eat dead skin, although there are some anecdotal reports that they can break the skin if they nibble too deep.
Fish pedicures have long been used as beauty treatments in Turkey and the Far East, but have only recently been introduced to this country. In the few years since the first UK ‘fish spa’ opened the treatment’s popularity has rocketed due to celebrity endorsements and high-profile press coverage. The HPA says that, as of spring 2011, it is aware of 279 in operation (although there are likely to be many more).
A small number of spas may also be using other species of fish to perform pedicures, such as Chin chin fish. However, the HPA says that these should not be used as they develop teeth when they get older, and may therefore present a greater risk to public health.
What did the report examine?

The report examined a number of issues relating to fish pedicures, including:
potential ways infections might occur
the risk of catching blood-borne viruses, including HIV and hepatitis
the risk of bacterial infections
the risk of catching parasites, such as fluke worms
the risk of transmitting conditions, such as athlete’s foot and verrucas
procedures that might reduce any health risks
The report is based on consultations with experts and professional bodies within the fields of public health, aquaculture, health and safety, and animal welfare.
What did the report find?

The report considered three main ways that a person might catch an infection:
from a fish or a fish tank
from tank water
from another person via surfaces, such as floors
Within these areas they considered the different types of infections that might occur.
Blood-borne viruses
Viruses such as HIV and hepatitis are carried in the blood and, in theory, could be transmitted through tank water if someone with a cut or abrasion were to use a tank containing traces of blood from an infected person with cuts.
However, there is only anecdotal evidence that Garra rufa fish can draw blood, and the HPA says that any blood-borne viruses they come into contact with are unlikely to stay on the surface of their mouths and lead to infection. Any blood entering the tank is likely to be diluted by the volume of water used.
While transmission through this method cannot be completely ruled out, the HPA says the risk of catching a blood-borne virus in this way is extremely low. Further to this, the HPA is recommending that the fish spas check clients for cuts and abrasions both before and after their session.
Fish-borne parasites, such as tapeworms and flukes, can be caught by humans if they eat undercooked fish. However, the HPA says that there is no evidence that these can be caught from a fish pedicure as this would require ingestion of the fish or the water.
Bacterial infections
The report looked at a number of specific harmful bacteria, including those that cause salmonella and legionnaires’ disease. Generally, these were deemed to be of low risk as they would not be ingested or would need broken skin to cause infection.
However, certain bacteria were identified as posing a greater risk of infection. For example, Staphylococcus aureus might infect people’s skin if they have eczema or psoriasis. Also, a type of bacteria called Mycobacterium marinum, which is associated with fish tanks and non-chlorinated swimming pools, could cause boils if transferred into broken skin.
Fungal infections such as verrucas and athlete’s foot
Fungi are known to survive on inanimate surfaces for prolonged periods and could, therefore, be passed on by infected clients walking around barefoot. However, the HPA points out that this route of transmission is not unique to fish spas.
So are fish pedicures safe?

The Health Protection Agency says that “on the basis of the evidence identified and the consensus view of experts, the risk of infection as a result of a fish pedicure is likely to be very low”. The agency outlines some groups who are not recommended to have fish pedicures due to increased risk of infection, such as people with diabetes or compromised immune systems.

The HPA also specifically addresses the possibility of transmitting blood-borne viruses such as HIV and hepatitis. The agency says that, in theory, transmission could occur if infected blood from one person got into an open wound on another person using the same tank, although, once again, the risk is “extremely low”. In part, the risk would be minimised due to factors such as the diluting action of the water and the fact that infected blood would be unlikely to stay on the fishes’ mouths.

However, the agency does say that the risk of infections cannot be completely excluded and, in order to further reduce this risk, they have drawn up a list of recommendations for fish spas.
What recommendations does the HPA make?

The HPA has made extensive recommendations on how fish spas can further reduce the risk of infections. Below are some of the major ones.

Groups not recommended to have a fish pedicure

The agency also says fish pedicures are not recommended for people that may increase the risk of infection or pose an infection risk to other clients. This includes people who:
have had their legs waxed or shaved in the previous 24 hours (they may have tiny cuts that increase infection risk)
have any open cuts, wounds, abrasions or broken skin on the feet or lower legs
have an infection on the feet (including athlete’s foot or a verruca)
have psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis affecting the feet or lower legs
are diabetic (which leads to increased risk of infection)
have a blood-borne virus such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C or HIV
have an immune deficiency due to illness or medication
have bleeding disorders or take anticoagulant medication (for example, heparin or warfarin)
Safety procedures for fish spas
The HPA recommends that:
Clients should be provided with medical information on any potential risk, including specific guidance on conditions that raise infection risk.

Clients should have their feet examined both before and after treatment to make sure they are free from cuts and infections. Staff should log that these checks have been performed.
Feet should be thoroughly washed and rinsed before a pedicure to minimise the number of micro-organisms transferred into the tank.

If there is evidence that bleeding has occurred during a session the tank should be drained and cleaned thoroughly. The HPA has drawn up thorough guidelines on how to disinfect tanks in a fish-friendly way. After 48 hours in a holding tank the fish can be reused.
Clients should be told to seek advice from their GP if they experience any adverse effects.

New weight advice for pregnancy

Many newspapers have reported on new official guidelines for how women can manage their weight before, during and after pregnancy. The advice comes from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).

The importance of the guidelines is borne out by figures suggesting that more pregnant women than ever are overweight or obese. The Guardian suggests that, “15-20% of women getting pregnant are overweight or obese”. The Daily Mail puts the number higher, saying that “almost half of expectant mothers are overweight or obese”. It goes on to spell out the dangers of being obese or overweight during pregnancy, which include “fatal health conditions such as blood clots, pre-eclampsia, miscarriages and stillbirths”.

The newspapers also dispel the myth that women should eat for two during pregnancy. Further advice reported in the press includes taking at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day during pregnancy, and that pregnant women should avoid dieting and only need to have an extra 200 calories a day in the last three months of their pregnancy.

These guidelines are published by NICE, and are evidence-based. They are designed so that doctors can give women up-to-date reliable advice to follow to maintain a healthy weight before, during and after their pregnancy.

Where did the advice come from?

The advice has just been published by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) as part of its public health programme. NICE produces guidance on the promotion of good health and the prevention of ill health for those working in the NHS, local authorities and the wider public and voluntary sector.

What are the health risks of being obese during pregnancy?

Women who are obese (with a BMI over 30) when they become pregnant face an increased risk of complications such as diabetes, miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, blood clots and death. Obese women are also more likely to have an induced or longer labour, post-delivery bleeding and slower wound healing after delivery. They also tend to be less mobile, which can result in a need for more pain-relieving drugs during labour. These can be difficult to administer in obese women, resulting in a greater need for general anaesthesia with its associated risks.

For women who have gained weight between pregnancies, even a relatively small gain of 1-2 BMI units can increase the risk of high blood pressure or diabetes during their next pregnancy and may also increase the chance of giving birth to a large baby.

What sort of diet does NICE recommend?

NICE offers the following dietary advice to help women to achieve and maintain a healthy weight:
Base meals on starchy foods (such as potatoes, bread, rice and pasta), choosing wholegrain where possible.
Eat foods rich in fibre.
Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day in place of foods higher in fat or calories.
Eat as little as possible of fried foods, and drinks and confectionery high in sugars and fats.
Eat breakfast.
Watch portion size of meals and how often they are eaten.
What should women aim to weigh before getting pregnant?

Women with a BMI of 30 or more can achieve significant health benefits if they lose between 5-10% of their weight. Further weight loss to achieve a BMI within the healthy range of 18.5 and 24.9 is encouraged.
What about weight during pregnancy?

The amount of weight a woman may gain in pregnancy varies a great deal, and only some of it is due to increased body fat. The unborn child, placenta, amniotic fluid and increases in maternal blood and fluid volume all contribute to weight gain during pregnancy.

Dieting during pregnancy is not recommended as it may harm the health of the child.
There is no need to ‘eat for two’ or drink full-fat milk (as opposed to lower-fat milk). Energy needs do not change in the first six months of pregnancy. Only in the last three months do a woman’s energy needs increase by around 200 calories per day.

Moderate-intensity physical activity will not harm the mother or baby. At least 30 minutes per day of moderate intensity activity is recommended. This can include activities such as swimming or brisk walking. If women have not exercised routinely up to that point, they should begin with no more than three 15-minute sessions a week, increasing gradually to daily 30-minute sessions.

There are no formal evidence-based guidelines from the UK Government or professional bodies on what constitutes appropriate weight gain during pregnancy.
How do I safely lose weight after giving birth?

Women are encouraged to breastfeed, but are advised against dieting while breastfeeding. Women who feed their babies with breastmilk only for the first six months may require an additional 330 calories a day, but this may differ between individuals, and some of these additional calories will be derived from fat stores built up during pregnancy.

If the pregnancy and delivery are uncomplicated, mothers may start a mild exercise programme consisting of walking, pelvic floor exercises and stretching immediately after giving birth, but women should not resume high-impact activity too soon. Women who have had complicated deliveries or caesareans should not resume pre-pregnancy levels of physical activity before consulting their medical caregiver.

Health professionals should be able to provide details of appropriate community-based services for women who want support to lose weight.

Where can I get more information?

Women should consult their GP or midwife about maintaining a healthy lifestyle before, after and during their pregnancy.

Bad Ideas Can Be Contagious

Nearly four decades ago, psychologist Stanley Milgram had a volunteer stand stock still on a busy New York sidewalk and look up at the sky. About one in every 25 passersby stopped to look up, too. When five volunteers were recruited to sky-gaze, nearly one in five passersby stopped to look up.

When Milgram and his colleagues assembled a group of 18 volunteers to simultaneously look up at nothing in particular, nearly one in two passersby looked up to see what was going on, snarling traffic within moments.

In the intervening years a variety of experiments have unearthed similar findings in a number of domains. When people have limited information about something important -- a potential crisis in a building several stories high, a fire alarm that goes off in a crowded theater or a sudden drop in the stock market -- they use other people as guides to their own behavior.

This can be smart if the people on whom you are modeling your behavior know more than you do. But in many situations, no one knows very much. When you follow people who don't know what they are doing, and other people follow you, the resulting feedback allows small events to trigger huge and irrational changes in group behavior.

Such thinking was behind the "Washington's real estate market will never soften" belief between 2000 and 2005, and it's also behind the pervasive pessimism that plagues the same market today, said Robert Shiller, an economist at Yale University and the author of the book "Irrational Exuberance."

Shiller argues that patterns of market behavior have a lot in common with infectious diseases. His book explores the idea of "contagion" in financial markets -- except that instead of the flu, Shiller talks about the spread of dogmas from one place to another.

"I am talking of views that seem intuitively right," Shiller said. "One hears other people saying things and confirming ideas you have. When things are commonly accepted, you file it in your brain as something that is true."

One of those intuitively appealing ideas that was widely passed around during the Washington real estate boom was an example of what Shiller calls the uniqueness bias -- investors' belief that their particular investments are somehow immune to normal economic processes. In the D.C. area, that bias centered on the idea that, in the nation's capital, the real estate market is supposed to be largely immune to the kind of shocks that buffet other places.

But even if Washington real estate investments are marginally safer than those in other places, that has already been factored into the higher price of housing in the area and is therefore of little benefit to new investors, Shiller said.

Another problem Shiller has identified in the feedback loop is the role of hindsight and narratives in shaping market behavior -- a Monday-morning quarterback effect. Every rise and dip in the stock market, for example, is assigned a narrative on a daily basis. A particular set of factors is said to have caused the market to go up or down, and this judgment quickly becomes the general wisdom.

After a sudden stock market dip in 1989 was quickly ascribed to an airline merger, Shiller conducted a survey asking investment managers which they had heard about first, the market dip or the narrative explanation. Although nearly all the investment managers believed the airline merger story, no one had heard it before the market fell.
"Now we are all in agreement the housing market is going to fall," said Shiller, describing the latest version of market groupthink. "That is what happens when you have contagion of an idea. You are going around wearing a tie and you realize that no one else is wearing a tie, and suddenly it seems so wrong to be wearing a tie."

Jian Yang, who teaches finance at the University of Colorado Denver, and David Bessler, a professor of agricultural economics at Texas A&M University, recently showed that contagion played a central role in the 1987 stock market crash, in which several international markets with very different economic fundamentals moved together in lock step.

In a complex analysis that meticulously tracked data from several countries, and that is to be published next year in the European Journal of Operational Research, they showed how market weakness spread from one country to another, in a sort of international version of Milgram's passersby experiment in New York.

Yang said that although many investors recognize the problem of contagion and herding behavior, this does not keep them from following the herd, possibly because they feel less regretful about bad decisions if they know many other people made the same mistake.

As global communication has increased with the advent of the Internet, Shiller and others said, ever-greater feedback systems and contagion effects are likely in real estate and financial markets.

"A lot of Japanese investors admitted that they saw what happened with the U.S. market and had a gut panic" during the 1987 crash, Yang said. Rather than trust their own accurate assessments of Japanese economic fundamentals, they thought, "Maybe something is wrong with my assessment of the Japanese market."

Parents reject 'bossy' lunch box advice, says Ofsted

Many parents see schools as "bossy" or "interfering" when they tell them what they can and cannot put in their children's lunch box, Ofsted warns.
Instead parents in England wanted more advice on how to prepare healthier packed lunches, inspectors said.

They said heads often felt uneasy about issuing edicts on lunch boxes.
Inspectors also say some families who are on low incomes but are not eligible for free school meals are struggling to afford school dinners.
And they found some secondary schools in England still used systems which made pupils receiving free school meals readily identifiable.
Inspectors visited 39 primary, secondary and special schools in England between September 2009 and January 2010 to see how they were getting the healthy eating message across.
They found more primary than secondary schools complied with the standards set out for school lunches.

In primaries, the guideline most often not met was the requirement to provide a piece of fruit for every pupil eating a school lunch.
In secondaries, the standard most often not met were those restricting meat products, deep-fried foods and starchy foods cooked in oil.
Lunch boxes
Inspectors said schools' healthy eating policies could be undermined when pupils brought in unhealthy packed lunches.

While some schools brought in rules on lunch boxes, others were uncomfortable with this.
"Some of the head teachers spoken to were reluctant to do this because they did not think that they should tell parents what to do and did not wish to be patronising," the report said.

"Where consultation with families had been poor or where information had not been worded sensitively, parents saw the school as being 'interfering' and 'bossy' and reacted against the advice.
"Many of the parents with whom inspectors held discussions said that, rather than being told what not to give their children, they wanted more guidance on how to prepare a healthy and balanced packed lunch."
Free school meals
The report - Food in Schools - found most of the schools surveyed had come up with ways of increasing the uptake of school meals and free school meals.
But it found some of the secondaries were not doing enough to prevent children entitled to free school meals being singled out.
"Five of the 16 secondary schools still had systems where those entitled to free school meals could be readily identified by their peers," it said.

The report reveals concerns that parents who are on low incomes but are not eligible for free school meals (FSM) are struggling to find the money to pay for their children to be fed at school.
In one case, two children from one family had to take it in turns to have lunch, it says.

Children are eligible for FSM if their families receive benefits or have an annual income of less than £16,040.
The report says: "A more difficult area to tackle for the schools and authorities visited was the take-up of school meals by families whose income was low but who were above the threshold for being entitled to free school meals."
It adds: "Parents from these families told inspectors that they often could not afford to pay for a school lunch, especially if they had more than one child."
Inspectors found "the most significant and consistent weakness" was schools' monitoring of the food they provided and the impact it was having on pupils.

"A major weakness in the schools visited was the lack of monitoring of provision to ensure that the school food standards were fully met," inspectors said.
"Governors were often unaware of their responsibilities in this respect."

Get rid of dry, cracked, chapped lips

We all hate waking up in the morning with dry, cracked lips. Even worse, the rest of your day is then spent wincing when you drink your coffee, eat hot food or kiss your partner. Margaret E Parsons, MD, FAAD -- an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California at Davis -- offers up the following advice to kiss your chapped lips good-bye.

Figure out what is causing your dry lips
Chapped lips can actually become a condition you used to have. Before you kick your dry lips to the crub, you need to figure out what is causing your dehydrated lips. Here are some root causes to consider avoiding.

Although weather is often blamed, it is not always the culprit. While cold and wind can contribute to dry, cracked lips, so can warm temperatures. The heat used to warm your home and car can dry out the air and lower the humidity level, which naturally leads to dry skin and lips. In addition, lips can be sunburned even on blustery, cloudy days.

Be especially wary of lip plumpers which often contain chemicals to intentionally irritate lips to make them appear fuller. Capsacin (derived from chili peppers), mint and menthol are some ingredients to avoid.

Phenol, an ingredient used in some traditional lip balms, can actually contribute to further drying out the lips. This lends a hint of credence to the claim that some lip balms can be "addictive." Even though phenol is used in low concentrations in lip products, it's the same chemical used in deep-penetrating facial peels.

Spicy foods and the acid contained in citrus fruits can burn lips and lead to dryness and irritation. In addition, the cut edge of a mango peel contains the chemical Toxicodendron, which is found in poison ivy.

Tip: People with nut allergies should beware of lip products containing nut-based products like shea butter.

Dr. Parsons advises those who cannot attribute their chapped lips to other common factors to take a close look at their medicine cabinet. Some oral acne medications can cause considerable lip dryness even though they do not come in direct contact with the lips. Products applied topically, particularly acne medications and anti-aging products such as benzoyl peroxde, alpha-hydroxy acids or retinoids, could cause irritation when they come into contact with the lip area.

People with sensitive skin may be more susceptible to allergic reactions from lip products. Other culprits include dehydration, habitually or frequently licking your lips, and having a stuffy nose (forcing you to breathe through your mouth) -- all of these habits can cause your lips to become dry and sore.

Apply petroleum jelly or a lip product containing petrolatum or mineral oil to soothe and heal irritated lips
Opt for lipsticks or lip moisturizers which contain sunscreen and wear them year-round
Avoid lip plumpers
Apply a petrolatum-based product at bedtime
Choose lip products with few additives
Drink plenty of fluids in order to stay hydrated
Avoid licking your lips
Use a humidifier in your room while you sleep
See a dermatologist if your lips are not getting better with simple at-home treatments or if new symptoms develop.

Austria's Summer House

The holiday home or summer-house by definition, is a building constructed with a strictly defined personality. For the temporary inhabitant, it is to provide a sense of escape without abandonment, and leisure without effort. It’s very existence is to promote feelings and moods not experienced in our everyday lives. A temporary euphoria squeezed between four walls for a period of the users choosing. It is a social engineer’s architectural dream.

This idea of temporary elation has existed for centuries. But the concept exploded with the onset of modernism and the twentieth century.  A newly emerging middle class sought escapism from the polluted cities while still enjoying the comforts of their newly industrialized homes. A Modernist belief that experience was shaped through design spearheaded the mass-production of seasonal dwelling. Le Corbusier described buildings as “machines for living” and architecture was bent to supply the petit bourgeoisie’s need for leisure and relaxation. Buildings were simplified, historical references and ornament were removed in favor of promoting the beauty of modern materials and construction. Concrete and its featureless character became the material of choice in the construction of buildings throughout Europe and North America. Their homogenous appearance celebrated by Brutalist architects but condemned by post-modernists for their flagrant disregard towards the social, historic, and architectural environment of its surroundings.

Today, this form of design is considered to be archaic in its principles. Concrete is seen to be aesthetically vacuous, and is used structurally rather than visually. Instead, glass facades and organic materials are a building’s ornaments. But a team of architects in Austria have resurrected the ideological trappings of modernist thinkers to create a unique and eerily beautiful interpretation of the holiday villa. Set on lake Millstatter See in Austria, this four-story villa is an ode to the idealism of the holiday homes of old, but simultaneously sits in the avant-garde.

Much of the design was adapted from the hotel that stood previously on the original plot, and can be seen in the bold and unrelenting expanses of concrete. But rather than mask the commanding stretches of grey matter, the team have embraced and adorned the blank walls to become a key part of the building’s persona. The vast expanses complemented by materials that not only enhance the concrete’s authority, but also mimic it in character.  Pale, smooth furniture occupy the inside, while white decking and exposed brick-work dominate the outside. The effect of which, can feel arresting at first, but develops a strange allure when looked at up close.

The building is a prime example of the brutal, unrelenting style of design from the 1950s, but the overhaul of ideas has transformed it into a testament to the contemporary. The fluid transition between interior and exterior, coupled with the large openings throughout the build, allow nature to flow through the cold interior, giving it a warm and organic feel. While the geometric shapes of the building draw imposing silhouettes on the lake and the surrounding countryside.

The minimal material concept; structural concrete in combination with white painted wood and metal surfaces, lends the building a monolithic character. But the upper floors of the building have an intimate, personal feel that doesn’t compromise the need for personal space.

It’s a building that screams arrogance and in places can feel a little soulless.  But the sheer audacity of its form juxtaposed with its purpose as a leisure facility, offers an intriguing concept that hasn’t been seen since Modernism dared to challenge the purpose of design and the human condition.

Key to thin hair: Integrating style and color with total look of the face

What exactly is a "bad hair day?" Research shows that 90 percent of all women claim to have them. But if you have thin tresses, the issue is about more than the odd day when you put your hair up or cover it with a baseball cap.

What exactly is a "bad hair day?" Research shows that 90 percent of all women claim to have them. But if you have thin tresses, the issue is about more than the odd day when you put your hair up or cover it with a baseball cap.
According to a study commissioned by hair and skin product manufacturer Neutrogena, women described bad hair as being "out of place, flat or limp." For those who have thin hair, their locks can look lifeless every day.
It's not unusual for a woman's hair to get thinner as she ages.
At only 23 years old, Kelly Borden said that she has struggled with baby fine and thin hair her whole life. It runs in her family.

Recently, Ms. Borden, who lives in Acushnet but works as an interior designer on Martha's Vineyard, had a specialty makeover at the DeAraujo Salon in Dartmouth. Owner Daniel DeAraujo said that when there is less hair to work with, every decision about cut, color and hair products really counts.
There is no one-strategy-fits-all solution to producing the best look for sparse hair, Mr. DeAraujo said. The key is focusing on the woman's face. He produces a transformation of style, base color, highlights and makeup that enhances a woman's total look.
"Hair is an accessory. I like problem hair. I love a challenge," he said.
Because she was unhappy with the nature of her hair, Ms. Borden had been experimenting with colors, perms and cuts for years. She avoided curling irons or straighteners to keep from damaging her already fragile locks.

When she arrived at the salon, her style was long and wavy, with plenty of volume at the cheek level and below, but not on top. Coupled with the uneven color, the look didn't do the most for her round, attractive face and delicate features.
Ms. Borden has a rigorous commute to work on the ferry in the mornings and she needed a style that was easy to re-create on her own. Her hair had gotten so long, she said, because she has to take a whole day off from her job to keep any appointments on the mainland. She simply hadn't had time to attend to it lately.
After several intensive hours of grooming at DeAraujo, Ms. Borden was thrilled with the results. "I look in the mirror and see someone who looks like she has normal hair. I always looked older because of the thin hair. This has bounce to it," she enthused.
Ms. Borden's new cut is chin-length with long layers that fall softly around her face. Her hair color has been evened out and carefully crafted with multiple shades that make her tresses appear more dense at the roots, while the layers reflect and diffuse the light. She went from a medium brown color to a mixture of dark blond shades with strawberry tones that enhance the color of her fair skin.
In addition to its visual benefits, coloring thin hair also adds bulk to the shafts, colorist Emilia Medeiros said.

To style the hair, Mr. DeAraujo used only a little spray gel and a round brush for a quick blow-dry. Too much heat can damage fine hair, and products that are heavy weigh it down. Light and gentle hair products are the answer for thin hair, even though people might be tempted to try to control their locks with more spray, mousse, heavy gel or wax, he explained.
"It's nice that it looks like it has volume right now. I think that's great." Ms. Borden said.
In Ms. Borden's case, Mr. DeAraujo used an "unconventional approach" to creating her new style. Though most hairstylists wash hair first then cut it while it's wet, Mr. DeAraujo started Ms. Borden's transformation by cutting her hair while it was dry. That way, he said, he could "see the natural fall of the hair, work with cowlicks, better feel the natural state of the hair." After the dry cut, he washed her hair and finished trimming.

Women with thin hair can lose their sense of femininity, Mr. DeAraujo said. One of the most common concerns is having the scalp show the strands. Rather than focus on that concern, "the most important thing is to work with the hair to make it fit the whole individual. You need to invite that person to see themselves differently," Mr. DeArujo said.
For another of Mr. DeAraujo's clients with thin hair, a short hair cut was the best solution because it suited the woman's features. He cut her hair to about one and a half inches from the scalp, bleached it all very blond, left the bangs longer and died the tips dark. For this woman, he said the edgy look that resulted was a great compliment to her face and her personality, even though her scalp did show through.

"Hair is secondary," Mr. DeAraujo said. "The right focus is on the total look. You don't want to do the female equivalent of a comb over."
Though Ms. Borden struggles with hair that has been thin her whole live, other women can experience thinning hair due to different medical conditions, stress or aging.
Medical causes of hair loss in women include thyroid disease, hormonal abnormalities, infections, adrenal gland disease, systemic diseases like Lupus, liver disease and kidney disease.
Female pattern baldness due to aging is called Androgenetic Alopecia. It usually occurs in women over 30 and may intensify with menopause. Unlike male pattern baldness, which results in receding hairlines and bald spots, female pattern baldness usually produces overall thinning.

Black or Brown Discoloration in Your Nail: What Does it Mean?

Have you ever noticed a lengthwise black or brown band on your or someone else’s nail? There are several causes, some are more serious than others, but the most important cause could be melanoma of the nail called subungual melanoma.

Nail discoloration that occurs as a vertical line is also called longitudinal melanonychia. It occurs due to an overproduction of melanocytes in that area of the nail. These nail bands are sometimes caused by “nail moles” and similar to moles elsewhere in the body, may not develop into a more serious problem but still need to be monitored. Nail moles are more common in children.

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Nail pigment bands or melanonychia are quite common in people who have dark skin. It is estimated that 70 percent of African Americans over the age of 20 have nail banding and almost all African Americans over the age of 50 have some type of nail pigment discoloration. Only 10-20 percent of those of Japanese decent have melanonychia and it occurs in less than two percent of Caucasians.

Melanonychia that is found to be skin melanoma (subungual melanoma) has the highest morbidity over other sites in the body so any nail discoloration should be evaluated by a dermatologist. The doctor will review symptoms based on an A through F list to rule out whether melanoma is the cause.

● A: Age. Subungual melanoma is more common in those ages 50 to 70.
● B: Brown/black band is wider than three millimeters.
● C: Change has been noted in the look of the pigment band.
● D: Digit involved. The thumb is the most common, then the great toe and last the index finger.
● E: Extension of the discoloration into the cuticle or nail fold (called Hutchinson sign).
● F: Family history of melanoma.

There are numerous other reasons why nail pigment banding occurs: trauma to the nail, medication, systemic diseases, vitamin deficiencies and other skin conditions which may also appear as banding in more than one finger. A doctor should review your entire medical history to determine what the next step is to take.

If nail melanoma is suspected then a biopsy will be performed.

Designing a Homestead Property for Maximum Efficiency

An old farmer struck it rich in oil and his family persuaded him to buy a $4,000 automobile. Never having had anything better than a second-hand Model T, the old boy insisted on only one thing for the new car — the most colossal and expensive set of bumpers he could find!

I wish we'd had some good bumpers when we decided to move to the country. We bumped our noses on land, on the layout of our house, on the location of our barn, fruit trees, and pasture — on nearly everything a family could blunder at. I hope you'll profit by our mistakes!

Setting up a productive country home is probably the biggest and most important job any of us attempt during our lifetime. Despite all of the people who have needed some basic data on setting up a homestead, no one had completely worked the methods out and put them on paper. Every new family has been left to stumble its own way toward the answers.

Not long after our first edition of the "Have-More" Plan went out, we began to get letters asking for help in laying out a place. Of course, we couldn't give specific advice without seeing each piece of property — and then, people have different ideas of what they want to do with their place.

Even though no one layout will fit everybody's ideas and site, there are certain basic points that ought not to be violated.

For example, where should you locate your house in relation to the highway? (If you do this right you can probably get the town snow plow to do your snow shoveling for coffee and doughnuts.) Where should your barn be placed with reference to the house? Toward what compass points should house and barn face?

What are the best locations for garden, orchard, pasture, hayfield? In placing fruit trees how much space should be allowed for them to mature without crowding? How can fencing and gates be placed for easy pasture rotation and so livestock can always get water without your having to carry it?

In planning the house itself, how can you start small and yet make additions through the years so that the finally completed homestead is attractive and efficient for country living?

If you plan your place correctly from the beginning, you will save countless steps in the years to come. You can actually cut your chore time in half. One minute saved twice a day on chores equals 12 hours a year!

Have a Plan for Your Home

Before you lay out your place you ought to be able to answer all the above points and more too. Even if you're buying a country house that's already built, you should have a definite plan for refitting the house and land to your use. Over and over again, I've seen city people buy a farm, remodel the house but let the land go to rack and ruin. Even if you can't use all the land you've bought, you should learn enough about land management so you can rent your unused land to a neighbor and see that he keeps it in a good state. Idle land deteriorates just as fast as an idle house.

Seeing the Forest... and the Trees

"Don"t get me started," warns Carol Moore if a discussion wanders off point, yet touches on a social or political issue about which she has a strong opinion. The phrase is used often by this physically slight, soft-voiced woman who's gone toe to toe with drug dealers, bought a house on a whim, rescued buildings from destruction, and spent some time in jail.

In truth, no one ever has to get her started. Moore, 61, is the embodiment of a community activist. An East Hills resident since 1978, Moore has been a vital part of that neighborhood's resurgence from its darkest past and remains a relentless and devoted advocate for its future.

Her latest cause is trees. She is part of the Trees Please program developed by the East Hills Council of Neighbors and funded by the DTE Energy Foundation, the Dyer-Ives Foundation and donations from residents. In 2006, 29 trees were planted. A year later, 14 more were added. Moore became a literal earth mother to the project, watering and pruning the young trees until they were healthy enough to fend for themselves.

It all began the way every project begins for Moore — just outside her front door.

Strolling and Polling
An ardent walker, Moore noticed during tours of her neighborhood that the trees were generally smaller and appeared less healthy than those in the suburbs — even though the urban trees were much older. She decided to investigate and discovered that city trees were often products of neglect. They did not get the attention their suburban brethren received. They were not electively watered or pruned and any indication of frailty usually led to their removal. And even though trees were often replaced, Moore says these efforts were ineffective.

"Someone would plop in a seedling about the size of my thumb and say 'good luck,'" she says. "It's really not a good solution."

As she has done with all her projects, Moore became a facts nerd, reading anything and everything she could about trees and the environment. She found that even in environmental texts, trees were not mentioned as resources.

"Most people just don't see the value of trees," she says. "They'll write poetry about them or say 'Oooh, how pretty' but trees aren't considered worth anything. This motivated me to begin to be aware of how important trees are.

"Everybody's talking green like crazy these days but not seeing the green that's in front of their face," she continues. "Trees are the connective tissue between air and water. They are the ultimate recycler. They recycle all of the water...all of the air — they sequester carbon, they filter air pollution, improve hydrology, add 6-10% value to your house, and they reduce energy consumption."

Money Growing in Trees
Moore"s research convinced her that that preserving and extending the forest canopy of the city is an essential component of its value and quality of life.

But  she also learned local government does not necessarily share that view. When confronted with threats of disease or the need for expansion, its policy has leaned toward tree removal as a first answer. Most recently it involved the emerald ash borer, a pest Moore says can be defeated without removing all of the region's ash trees.

"The product is there, it works, and we can treat our trees without significant environmental impact," she maintains. In an effort to prove their approach can work, Trees Please will soon make a presentation to the Grand Rapids City Commission asking it to enact a moratorium on the cutting down of the area's ash trees.

A major hurdle in gaining widespread support, she says, is that trees are not viewed as a measurable asset.

"I saw a story recently that talked about making Grand Rapids greener," she says. " One of the projects that was considered innovative was that the planning commission endorsed a program to reduce developers' green requirements if the developer contributed to the county's farm preservation program.  So...we're giving city canopy away to preserve a county cornfield. How does that benefit the city? It's like we have this big blind spot when it comes to our trees because we don't put a value on them."

It was then Moore decided that the best way to save trees was to prove their value in absolute terms. In 2008, the neighborhood council employed Bartlett Tree Experts to conduct a tree survey of the East Hills area. The result was that more than 1,500 trees — most of them maple — were counted and valued at more than $4 million, a figure based on species desirability, location, the age and condition of the tree, and its replacement value. Moore finally had some ammunition.

"Trees are a green infrastructure that appreciate in value every year," Moore maintains. "You can't say that about roads; you can't say that about cars. These things start to devalue immediately. But trees don't. With a little bit of care, we can get maximum value out of these trees."

Building on a  Lifetime of Involvement
Trees are only part of a larger story that has to do with Moore's idea about neighborhoods and community.

To many who've lived in the East Hills neighborhood, she is an unsung hero. She was one of the first vocal opponents of the drug dealers in the area, and of one local establishment in particular, the White Rabbit. It was a challenging and dangerous time. "Those were the days you could get a brick thrown at you on Fuller and Wealthy," Moore recalls.

The group's efforts eventually paid off, although Moore still harbors a small regret: "They blamed the building for the activities that took place inside it; they should never have torn it down."

Moore assured that other properties in the area received a kinder fate. She bought many of them herself. She took on the property that became home for Gaia and for what is now The Sparrows. She was an early and devoted presence to the Wealthy Theatre reclamation project that, in her opinion, signaled the "beginning of the beginning" for the neighborhood.

"We had almost bottomed out by the time I got here," she says. "I figure it takes about 30 years for an area to come back. The theater was a 15-year project that became the critical piece of real estate to stabilize the neighborhood."

Where many might view a 30-year payoff as too long to wait, it could also be argued that Moore"s dogged devotion to the projects she takes on is the reason there are payoffs at all. Said one of her long-time admirers:  "A lot of people worked on the projects she's been involved with but Carol has the vision; it's her long view of things that makes a difference."

And she remains positive, almost to a fault. One neighborhood colleague recalls a tough moment after a city commission meeting when a frustrated Moore confided: "I can only do this for about 10 more years."

This legendary patience also allows her to present logical, reasoned arguments to support her causes, although passion, on occasion, will get the better of her.

"I went to jail once," she confessed. "I had chained myself to a tree. I don"t know why. It just seemed the thing to do at the moment. I ended up in jail. I don"t ever want to do that again."

When asked what drives her, Moore politely shrugs and says she has no definitive answer, but a few basic rules: "You first have to notice something isn't quite right. Then you have to care. And then you have to do something."

A native Georgian — she owns a winter home in her hometown of Savannah — Moore has lived in West Michigan since the 1970s, first in Wyoming, then in East Hills.

"I was working downtown," she recalls, "We went for a drive at lunchtime. We came by this neighborhood and I was rubbernecking and saw this house. Someone was in the yard and said: Are you interested in it? I said: Yeah."

Coming Home
She has lived in the same house ever since, building and reaffirming her belief that neighborhoods are the life blood of a community:

"Neighborhoods are the real drivers. They make the cities what they are. If you"re not working on the street level, then you"re really missing the core. Things can"t be driven just by what tourists want to see."

While Moore's ideas about activism involve study, research, and building strong multi-discipline coalitions, she does so using old-fashioned methodology. No cell phone. No computer. But lots of walking. Lots of listening.

"I got laid off my last regular job and it was the best thing that ever happened to me," she recalls. "I started walking. I was struck by how much you see, how much you can learn, just by walking your neighborhood."

Her activism has intensified in recent years, a byproduct she believes, of social change:

"I think I"m more drawn that way because it seems in the last 30 years there has been a real shift in what the word "public" even means. It has come to mean 'poor' rather than 'for everybody.'"

She then paraphrases a speech by former president Bill Clinton: "He said we determine public policy by asking two questions — what are going to do and how much is it going to cost — when the real question we need to ask is how does this policy improve the quality of life?"

In this she comes full circle. "Tress, for example, have a public benefit," she says. "If  we look around our community it simply means having the same fair standards benefits everyone."

What's next? Let's get started
Whether it's rescuing trees, buildings, or just being a good neighbor, Moore sees the concept of public involvement as a commitment of self....and for as much time as each cause takes.

"The concept of "public" is extending yourself beyond your front door," she maintains. "You just do a little bit more...and the cumulative effect of that is enormous. I'm not talking about the symbolism of it...but the real thing! The tide comes in...all ships float."

And in her long view, Moore continues to look forward to the future: "I want to make a difference. I figure I've still got about 25 years or so, and I want to put them to use. I don"t want or need a spotlight. I just want to help push things through."

Tips for coloring your hair at home

You can color your hair at home for a fraction of the cost of professional hair color. To achieve beautiful hair color at home, follow these simple hair coloring tips.

Keep it simple
If you want to cover your gray, or go a couple shades lighter or darker, then home hair color is for you. If you want anything more dramatic, then it's best to go to the salon. Also, if you hair is damaged or chemically treated, stick with a professional to be sure you don't overprocess and damage your hair.

Select a shade
Don't be overwhelmed by the hundreds of different hair color products on the shelves. Visit the websites of Revlon, Clairol or Loreal where you can fill out a simple questionnaire and figure out the right shade for you.

Don't make it permanent
If you are new to coloring your hair or trying a shade that's a little bit different, select a temporary or semi-permanent hair color rather than permanent. Temporary color washes out in 6-12 shampoos, while semi-permanent hair color will normally wash out in about 20-26 shampoos. Permanent hair color can last six to eight weeks or even longer.

Get organized
To make things easier, you can invite over a friend to help color your hair. However, even with a friend, you need to get organized. In addition to your home hair coloring kit, you will also need a few supplies.
Plastic gloves (normally provided with kit)
Old button-down shirt
Damp rag for wiping up spills
Hair clip
Wide tooth comb
Old towel
Big safety pin
Put on the shirt and fasten the towel around your neck with the safety pin before you begin.

Testing. Testing.
The instructions with your box of hair color say you should test a few strands of hair first, but many women skip this step. If you haven't used this particular hair color before, you should definitely do the test to make sure it's the shade you desire.

Coloring hair
Coloring your hair
Don't wash your hair the day you are going to color your hair. Most experts suggest waiting 24 to 48 hours after washing your hair before applying hair color. Freshly washed hair is lacking the oils needed to absorb the hair color.

Apply Vaseline to your skin all around your hairline to protect your skin from the dye.

Mix the hair color according to the directions on the box. Use a comb to separate your dry hair into four major sections.  Begin by taking a smaller subsection from one of the sections and applying hair color from the bottle. Don't use too big of a section - you want to make sure the color is thoroughly worked through your hair.

Start with the roots and work your way down and outward, piling your hair on the top of your head as you go. You can use a hair clip or multiple clips to pin your hair up.

Following the instructions included in the box, wait 25-45 minutes for the color to work. If you have a lot of gray hair, it's best to wait the maximum time limit. After your color has processed, rinse your hair with cool water.

Hair highlights
Wait to wash
After rinsing out your color, apply the conditioner supplied with your kit but don't wash your hair. Wait at least a full day, preferably 48 hours, after coloring your hair before you wash it. This will also allow the hair color to completely penetrate your hair shaft.

Touch-up your roots
About four to six weeks after coloring your hair, you may need to touch-up your roots. When touching up the roots, don't over-color the ends. Apply conditioner to your ends and then just color the roots and top. Five minutes before it's time to rinse out the color, use a wide tooth comb to distribute the color down the hair shaft to the ends. Then rinse as usual.

Highlights at home
For natural looking highlights, buy a second box of hair color a shade or two lighter to create highlights around your face. You can use a paint brush to paint on the highlights as thin or as thick as you'd like them.

Tips for the Female Swimmer

 PHOENIX, Arizona, November 26. IT was looking to be a great Thursday night. I was sitting on the couch with my newly-acquired, quarterback boyfriend and his friends watching Grey's Anatomy. It was mid-January, and I had just gotten back from a grueling workout. So instead of attempting to look attractive, I threw on my favorite pair of ratty N.C. State Swimming sweatpants with slits around the ankles from where I cut the elastic out of them. Feeling content and comfortable, I propped my feet up on the coffee table. Little did I know that doing so would change the whole complexion of the evening.
"EWWWWWW!!" shrieked one of the boys as he pointed disgustedly at the slit in my pants.

The slit had exposed a thick patch of long, dark leg hair from my unshaven swimmer legs, which I had unknowingly put on display for all to see when I put my feet on the table. Frantically, I tried to explain the premise behind not shaving during the season, but I could tell by his repulsed expression that I was fighting an uphill battle.

In that moment, I couldn't stop thinking about how much easier my life would be when I was done with swimming. No more wet hair at school dances, no more goggle marks under my eyes, no more disgusted football players. However, I still had three more years of college and I wasn't about to give up something I loved because of what other people thought about me.

I spent the next three years trying to find the cure for being a female swimmer in a world largely ignorant of swimming. No beauty magazine had advice on the best leg-hair dye, or best swim meet hairstyle (besides the "swimmer bun"), or how to grow back your eyebrows when the chlorine burns them off.

So, I compiled a cheat sheet of all the tips and tricks I have accumulated over the span of my swimming career:

PROBLEM: You're going on a date and practice ran late (Thank you, test set). You only have 15 minutes to get ready after practice.

SOLUTION: First, slather on some tinted lotion. It will quench your dry skin and reverse that dull, lifeless skin look that chlorine can create. Then, use tinted lip balm and/or blush to give some color to your face.

Next, generously apply concealer to cover up goggle marks and under-eye discoloration. Follow-up with powder all over. Apply mascara or any other makeup you have time for.

Braid hair into two pigtails. Take it out right before you meet your date for pretty, loose waves.

PROBLEM: You have to wear a dress for the family Christmas picture, but you are in the middle of the season with two-inch long, dark leg hair.
SOLUTION #1: Bleach leg hair. It sounds crazy, but dyeing your leg hair is actually quick, easy, relatively cheap, and really makes hair look less noticeable.

Chelsa's Pick: Sally Hansen Crème Hair Bleach for Face $5.61

NOTE: It can mildly discolor your skin for about an hour afterwards, but will fade shortly after.

SOLUTION #2: Boots. Boots are very "in" this season, and can hide the thickest region of leg hair (from the calf down), so you can still wear a dress or shorts. Also, if you need to get in some extra cardio at the local gym, knee-high socks (a la Holly Madison) can be a cute option for covering up.

PROBLEM: Your hair looks dull and lifeless, and feels like straw.

SOLUTION: ALWAYS put a leave-in conditioner in your hair before practice. The cream kind, however, will make your cap fall off, so the liquid, spray kind is the best. Also, use a conditioner with gelatin, it detangles the best and is a great hydrating agent.

Chelsa's picks: Aussie Hair Insurance $4.49 and TreSemme Vitamin B12 & Gelatin Anti-Breakage Conditioner $4.

PROBLEM: Your eyebrows are getting burned off by the out-of-control chlorine at your pool.

SOLUTION #1: Dab some Vaseline (or lotion, if you can't do Vaseline) on your arches before practice. It may look like your brows are greasy, but it could mean the difference between having eyebrows, or not having any at all.

SOLUTION #2: Pencil in eyebrows. Eyebrows frame your eyes and can change the whole symmetry of your face. You will never see a celebrity with patchy or non-existent eyebrows. To avoid the harsh look of over penciled-in brows, use short, wisp-like stokes to mimic hair growth.

PROBLEM: Your teeth and nails are turning yellow from the chlorine.

SOLUTION: Use a toothpaste with baking soda in it. The baking soda is the best agent to combat chlorine yellowing. For nails, run a lemon wedge over them. The acid in the lemon juice will eat away the yellow color on your nails.

Chelsa's Pick: Arm & Hammer Advance White Baking Soda & Peroxide Toothpaste $4

PROBLEM: You have permanent goggle marks.

SOLUTION: Use anti-aging undereye cream before you go to bed.

No, you don't have wrinkles, but the ingredients used to fight wrinkles are more hydrating than those used in face lotions. The skin under your eyes is very thin, and can be damaged and dehydrated more than any other part of your face.